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Mascarpone Artigianale


It is a typical cheese of some areas of Lombardy, it has the aspect of a soft cream, consistent, white-yellow color, with a very sweet taste, enriched by the taste of cream. The name derives from the Lombard term mascherpa or mascarpia, which indicates ricotta cheese or cream. According to some the exact name of the product should rather be mascherpone, deriving from Cascina Mascherpa, an unidentified farmstead located at the border between the provinces of Milan and Pavia.

Made in


Shelf life

20 days




  • 352

    Small tray
    250 gr fixed weight
    6 pz × ct

  • 058

    Big tray
    1 kg fixed weight
    4 pz × ct

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design: studio over
code: iperstudio