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Maniva d’Alpeggio


It is a cheese made from the milk of brown cows from the area of Mount Maniva (Brescia) from which it takes its name- it is a semi-fat hard cheese, straw-yellow in colour, sometimes with evenly distributed medium-fine holes. Enriched with saffron, it has a full and intense flavour, also ideal warmed on a griddle

Made in


Shelf life

365 days


from 12 to 24 months


  • 199

    Whole wheel of cheese
    16 Kg ca.
    1 pz × ct

  • 199.2

    Half a wheel of cheese
    8 Kg ca.
    2 pz × ct

  • 199.4

    A quarter of a cheese wheel
    4 Kg ca.
    4 pz × ct

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design: studio over
code: iperstudio